In "Thy Thousands!", embark on a mysterious journey through the intricate tapestry of human emotions and experiences in seven (7) international languages; Sepedi, IsiZulu, IsiNdebele, Swahili, Arabic, English and German. This collection of poetry beckons readers to explore the depths of Matilda TheeGreat’s love, loss, hope, and resilience, each verse pulsating with vivid spiritual and profound insight. Crafted with lyrical precision, the poems resonate with the echoes of countless voices—each one a testament and revelations to the beauty and complexity of her life thousand years ago. As you turn the pages, prepare to be swept away by the rhythmic cadence of words that celebrate the myriad moments that shape the Kemetic existence in Afraka. Join the chorus of "Thy Thousands!" and discover the power of poetry to connect, inspire, and heal.
Well written meditating poetry book, which is an Afrakan historical monument and has been informed by the knowledge of my past and learning to know myself.
A work like The Foreign Me!—which is the outcome of my long spiritual journey of learning to know myself and the knowledge of my past—although apparently authored by one person, only comes into being and to fruition with the assistance and support of many others. It is with great joy, therefore, that I embrace this opportunity to recognize, acknowledge, and thank the many individuals who have, in one way or another, walked with, or assisted, me along the three-year spiritual journey that was the making of The Foreign Me!
“My Thousand Faces of Foreignism is my black psychology of love and hate that I endured whilst walking on the valley of the shadow of death I feared no evil for thou art as shadows of war.” - Matilda TheeGreat
My 1000 Faces Of Foreignism (M1000FOF) project, which is Afrakan Episode is in Kumasi, the second largest city of Ghana and the capital of the Ashanti Kingdom. Matilda TheeGreat will be presenting the project at (pIAR2023) residency program this Wednesday, 15 February 2023 in she will engage and exchange with the local artists and fellow global residents in Ghana. M1000FOF will be in South Afraka mid-October as a continuation of our lengthy memorials of the Afrakan Colonial Soldiers (ACS) and Prisoners Of Wars (POWs).
In a nutshell, My 1000 Faces Of Foreignism! is the process of my healing stages from my thousand-identity-battles that I had for years in a place I called my birth country or home. It has three stages: The Foreign Me!, Walk Of Death Memorials and My 1000 Faces of Foreignism!. I went through all the stages during my long spiritual journey that I endured much in my voluntarily time in exile as a beauty from afar. I am inspired by the love for humanity of the Ubuntu philosophy from South Afraka whereby we see ourselves through others. My foreignism status attracts only migrants, foreign blood and mysterious people. Most of them were broken souls that need to heal in different ways naturally because they were excessively bleeding on everyone.
“It was during all my silence of my silences when I see myself through thousand faces of all foreigners.” - Matilda TheeGreat
Matilda TheeGreat is a poetess, writer, artist and an activist whose collections of poetry include Nothing of Me, Moment of Weakness, Perfect World, Xo Dlozi!, Am I A Rebel?, Time, Seeded Away and Bloody Poems! Born in South Africa and based in Berlin, Germany. She is the million voices of her ancestors who suffered crucifixion during days of slavery and World Wars. She is revealing the hidden black world that was buried in time by the Caucasian race.